Thursday, March 20, 2008

Her Future is so Bright She's Gotta' Wear Shades

Just want to give a little shout out to my girl Jamie!!

Many of you don't know Jamie, so let me give a little background:

Back in junior high we were a group of four bad asses (not really but everyone once in a while I like to have delusions of grandeur) Myself, Jenny, Julie and Scarleth... we were like the female version of the brat pack (not really, but once again another delusion) we were all pretty tight and actually remained very close until our twenties when we all, one by one, got married and had kids... (I was the first, Julie soon followed, Jenny and Scarleth took their time- but I digress) Just recently, we've all fallen into each other's laps again (with kids in tow this time- some of us with many, some of us with few - hint, hint Tommy, Jenny needs another baby!)

Now this is where Jamie's biography begins:

When I finally found Julie again after many years (7 or 8, I believe) we did some major catching up... over the past few months we've stayed in contact (albeit not the kinda' contact we once had, but the kind that let's you know this person is a true friend and when you're old and grey you can still call upon them and it always feels like you never missed a beat.)

So, during our rediscovery period we shared many photos back and forth, probably just for the shock factor of how everyone has so drastically changed.(And to catch up on once infants and now preteens and of course our hubby's.) As I looked at the pictures of her last baby shower I saw all of her sisters (they are 4 girls all together) except for the youngest one, 3 year old Jamie! Where had she gone? I wondered what had happened to her and this is what I found out... strange as it may sound... she had actually grown up. I was shocked!! What happened to that cute and innocent little girl? The one who was three years old? (another one of my delusions of still being a teenager), the one whom I thought was "getting old" when she started elementary school? The one who was the "entertainment" at all of our get togethers? Where did she go?????? She went to the arena... and then made way her way to the television set! To be everyone else's "entertainment". This sweet, innocent, "little girl" tried out for a new group in the making "Girlicious". She not only had the gumption to audition but made it all the way into the finals.

As Frank, Axel and I sat around every Monday night to cheer her on, I was shocked...when in the world did she learn how to sing? Last I saw her she was still using baby words (okay, not really but being 12 years her elder it sure seems like it.) She has not only grown up and "busted" out but she has become a quite talented young lady.

We dutifully watched her each week and towards the end of the show, when the eliminations would come around I held my breath and wished that all her dreams would come true and that she would go on for another week. And, week after week she did, until this past Monday. She had made it into the final 9 of Girlicious. With each passing episode I was floored that this little girl (obviously, only "little" in my mind- Frank and Axel have reminded me of that many times over) had such talent! Unfortunately, the judges didn't see it my way and she was cut this past Monday night. But, the fact still remains... She Hawt!! And, I see a very promising career ahead for her! So Julie and Jamie, when you read this just know that I won't think you're strange if the next time I get a bundle of pictures and Jamie is wearing sunglasses indoors... I know it's a necessity when your future is so bright that you gotta' wear shades. Good luck Jamie, you're going to go far!

1 comment:

Garden State Kate said...

Dontcha' hate how they are suddenly grown up? My BF's "little brother"
used to wave bye bye to me in his little planet/spaceship he has 3 children OLDER than mine!