Monday, March 24, 2008

Do You Know Where Your Peeps are at?

I know exactly where my Peeps are at!!!!

If you have any questions on how to locate your Peeps read the following and you should be able to find them too.....

I'll share with you some little known facts:

1 Peep contains 32 calories and 0 grams of fat
Yellow Peeps are the most popular (Must be so that we can convince ourselves that they are closely related to fruits and vegetable,-summer squash, corn, pineapples, bananas, apples{you get the idea- at least that's what I tell myself} unlike the pink, lavender, blue and white- the next most popular ones.)
Peeps went wing free in 1991 (that's so they couldn't fly away and had to dutifully wait in each Easter basket.)
Peeps eyes are actually made of wax and are sprayed on by a machine (is that why they have that glazed over look in their eyes as they stare at me from the kitchen counter?)
The first Peeps were created in 1953 and it took 27 hours to create just one Peep
Today peeps are create at 4.2 million per day (& I probably have half of that amount in my home right now!)
Peeps shelf life.....24 months (that's two years on my HIPS people... two whole years!!!!!!!)

Enjoy some Peep entertainment on me, or a Peep game, or just get a good chuckle... after all, we do need to find something to do with all those Peeps.


Garden State Kate said...

HELP! We are out of peeps!!!!
Send emergency reinforcements
immediately!! The situation is dire..I repeat..send in the PEEPS!!!

sorry..couldn't control myself...
I have the same problem around peeps.;-)

Daphne said...

Oooh how I do so love the Peeps. Not as much as Soph though! Peeps don't last more than an hour (the entire package that is) once opened. We also have been known to stock up on the "out of season" peeps that are 90% off so we can have a permanent stash. So sad I know.