What a huge oversight on my behalf... DOH!!!!! I jumped right in and forgot to introduce myself. Okay, so I am stay at home mom to 3 great kids (especially right now- there is peace and quiet in my our home as they all blissfully slumber- something I know nothing about) and a part time mama to 2 sweeties. There are 2 tweens, a "youngin' ", a toddler and a newborn (well maybe he's officially considered an infant by now, but being my last -and the insufficient amount of post pregnancy weight I have lost to date- he'll remain a newborn for as long as possible!) And, who can forget the 6th child, also known as a husband in some parts of the world- or so I have heard. He's a great guy and deserves all my kudos... simply because he tolerates me and my insanity.....
Now a bit more about me (I'd like for everybody to get a feel of where my delusions arise from) I am a 30 something slightly neurotic woman with a pension for obsessively cleaning and creating. I love a challenge, though I am not necessarily competitive. I am always looking to learn something new all the while sharing something old. I live for my children, husband, home and family. I have home schooled my eldest in the past (yes, as the "non-homeschoolers" would say... I am one of those "freaks", but realistically my children do not look like Branch Dividians, they are more "Gap" and "punk skater", they do not act "Amish" more "Class Clown" and politician) and I am currently looking forward to homeschooling my two little ones- yes, I am already planning on homeschooling the newborn (do you now see where the neurosis comes into play and why my husband deserves kudos?) And lastly, as every woman who defines herself first as a mother and a wife, knows that I am striving for martyrdom. I feel I never do enough always keeping in mind that I always do too much. And, as my husband and oldest can tell you, when I yell at the top of my lungs, they too know; that I know, I do too much and that I am only stating my case for martyr of the year.
We are city slickers stuck in Cowtown, USA. Don't get me wrong, trees and cows make this a great place to raise kids but way out of the realm of what our childhood friends would call "normal" (the lack of concrete, traffic and Targets seem to have something to do with it- ahhhhhhhhh.....but I do miss my Targets....) Because we have left society's loop (unless cows have some sort of "society" that they have yet to let us in on) I took to the internet and discovered blogging. I found a few (I have them listed on my sidebar- under "What Keeps Me Up at Night) right off the bat which I took to and began to follow as my own private "Days of Our Lives", made up of only the characters I chose and only at the times that were convenient for me.... (mid night jags!) hence I found the wonderful world of blogging. But, as I have now discovered my "characters" have talents that of which I did not notice in their original auditions.... they have the gift of "knowing" "how" to blog (which has made me appreticate them all the more now.) When I made the decision to start this blog I thought I would be as easy as jotting out a quick an email, a quick ancedote, a little blurb about my day. I had no clue... about the consideration it takes to put your thoughts out there for everyone to read and give an opinion on, on how much care each post takes and shows and then of course there are the HTML's - DuHHHHHHHH! Still don't know much about them...and templates and redoing headers- just to name a few. So as I continue down this road, I apologize and even ask in advance that if I have a blog indiscretion or have poor blogging etiquette (I realize that exsist in some capacity) that someone just drop me a line and I'll correct it. There are things from each of my "cast members'" blogs that I would love to link back to but I still haven't found the HTML (?????) There are of course understudies and a few other "cast" members for which I have not yet gotten around to adding, so if you don't see your blog, don't be discouraged. Check back often or give me a heads up on a quick way of adding links.
What a great way to give family and friends the opportunity to see your family blossom! You are an incredibly creative mother...this is only the beginning for you! Have a great time with it! You have inspired me to do the same. Let the fun begin!
LOL, Are you telling me I'm supposed to think about what I write before I write it..not after I have embarrassed my entire family?
OK,I'll make it my NY's resolution.."think before typing".
Welcome to the Blogosphere!
Thanks Jen and TJ, I can't wait to read about all the great things you guys will be doing as well... Your creativity and insight always amazes me and always lights a fire under my rear.... can't wait to share with you!
Embarass your family???!!!!???? You always write so eloquently and lovingly about them! They are lucky to benefit from your blog, unlike my poor victims... errr... family!!! And of course as you are so well known for... thank you for the warm welcome!!! =)
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